25.01.2016 18:14

Javier Bernal

From here, we would like to thank the artist Javier Bernal, the completion of our brand logo Marvalcar Sanirbos as well as to use the image of his work “Bernal's Olives” for Marvalcar Sanirbos and the sketch to Marvalcar Sanirbos 79.

Javier Bernal, was born in Barcelona in 1975, his works have been acquired by numerous clients and companies national and international betting on his consistency, content and strength. Looking forward to their evolutions we can not resist thinking that new work will surprise us.

Impressionist painting, Neo-Expressionist painting, the artist Bernal, does not focus on the importance of composition methods, traditional perspective drawing or painting, but a more spontaneous way, capturing the essence and emphasizing the nature of being or landscape.

The importance of colour and brushstroke away him from academicism, generating an immediate view of the artist which lead us to understand and execute not reality itself, but the impression that this gives us. For Bernal painting and art is the result in the form and colour of emotions to what you see. Latent strength of his brushstrokes and juxtaposition of colours express moods and feelings reflection of his personality.

Opaque technique using oil, acrylic or enamel, usually large formats in which are drawn secure brushstrokes full of spontaneity and strength, creating a nice visual journey to the spectator of his work.

Here, you can see some of his works, enjoy it like us.

  Málaga Harbor CE.XIX (La Farola) Firsts plotted and U.V. light 

 Pablo Ruíz Picasso                                                 Rembrandt (100 x 70cm)

  Muhammad Ali (Natural Light, and U.V.)



